Don't you think he is a beautiful boy? As I write Titus is sleeping, and looking at his pictures I think "Wow, G, you are so generous to give such an incredible little child." So dependent and impressionable, too. My petition for Titus tonight, and you're welcome to join in:
Father, speak comfort and peace to Titus in his sleep. Protect him tomorrow and each day from harm. I ask that he would learn to love Chinese people and the Chinese childhood that we've chosen for him. May he not learn any of his mom and dad's many vices. May we shepherd his little heart in your direction by teaching him peace-making, servitude, and forgiveness. May he be like David and have a big, big heart for you. Through his shortcomings, show him his desperate need for you. And may he do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with you for his whole life. Father, please help Drew and I to raise this child in love.