Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dear Family, you are missed every day


Thoughts, wechat messages, emails, a rare skype chat, a rarer note in the mail, even prayers -- all of these, even with the best intentions, will for your welfare and most genuine love, never make up for presence.

Presence is necessary.

We miss you, every single day.


Drew, Rachel, Titus and Michael

counting the graces
thank you Father for
the shape of Mike's full lips -- the top lip has extra flesh inside from a healed cut -- his baby teeth, and little cleft chin
Titus' heart of empathy, wanting to be helpful and saying, "Following Jesus can be hard, Mom" when he sensed I was upset after being shamed by his teacher
post-lunch nap, rest
beginning our days acknowledging you; habit of praying with Drew each morning before running out the door
Drew is nice and brushes my hair while listening to me talk talk talk
this group of daughters who can bring needs right to you, and they do
naming that jealousy and forsaking it
playfulness and vitality, sprinting down half a dozen elementary school boys in a game of hide-and-seek tag in the shrub maze
shorts and sunshine
chance to connect with YC, to speak candidly about her daughter's development and parenting style
nk asked for a home for us that would be even better than theirs, I though it was impossible, but you did it

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Ol' Hawk and Little Chicks

Sometimes on Friday afternoons, when school is out and the urgency of homework lifted because, tomorrow's the weekend! -- I find a gaggle of first grade boys are now in my care. Sometimes they are in my apartment, and I'm stir-frying supper for them whilst they stir-up legos, cars, magnatiles, lincoln logs, k'nex, plastic animals and bedding into a heterogeneous mixture all over the house. (!!!) Mom got smarter. More than two friends over, we're playing outside. Which is always my preference anyway -- trees to climb, green grassy fields to run -- but, boys and their legos. The appeal is real, tempting all first grade boys who deep in their hearts want to be free outside, back indoors to assemble together small plastic pieces. But we have such a good time outdoors on Fridays! Friday afternoon with our gaggle of friends is plausibly the moment we look forward to all week, and I want you to see it for yourself with these short video clips, just for you. (Admittedly also for me, so when my boys grow up I can relive these happy Fridays with children. Playing with children is the best!) Speaking of which, this very day we played a popular Chinese children's game called "Ol' Hawk and Little Chicks" in which the predator hawk tries to capture/tag the little chicks, while a designated Mama Hen is like a basketball player on defense, with wide arms blocking the hawk away from chicks scrambling behind her. Once a chick gets picked off he becomes the next hawk. I, naturally, was elected to be the Mama Hen for a million rounds and basically had the time of my life defending my chicks. The End.

counting the graces
thank you Father for
patterns on the green leaves making up the canopy at Di Ma
Titus' tender heart, his tears for things that truly are sad
how Mike always walks home from school on the rail and mossy brick wall
Drew came home so early today
azalea buds bursting open; corridor of cherry blossom trees in full bloom
reliable running, hot water
seasons of life -- this is a passing season
our parents all love each other and they are friends

Monday, March 28, 2016

One table of friends from near and far

Last weekend we celebrated Li Ci's birthday.
(At left, pink panda with green hoodie.)

What a gift it has been to know her.
Of all these, Li Ci has the most tender heart. She is always the first to lend a hand.

Party people were the same crew as usual, all the "siblings" who grew up in the orphanage together.
We were missing Wang Zhao though, because she works every weekend now.

The following weekend, Easter weekend, Mark and son Jonathan came to our home.

Mark and wife Joy are long-time friends of Drew's family, also from Minnesota. Their family of ten has been living and working in Shanghai for nearly two years, and will repatriate this summer.

Mark gave Drew the best and most needed gifts: listening, reassuring, understanding. 
I think Drew has extra courage today.

Jonathan was very helpful with Titus' homework, and demonstrated to Titus and Mike how to be a kind, self-motivated, adventurous, helpful guy. 

Our worlds, East and West, past and present, came together as we shared a meal together at one table.

Thank you Father for the diverse mix of people with whom we are graced to share life.
Thank you for the unique personality, experiences and perspective of each one.
Thank you for the moments we have to share ourselves.

counting the graces
thank you Father for
happy news of a new baby girl and loving care from Amber
long hike winding through woods, hills, graveyards, tea fields, around lakes and over springs
prayer with Drew this morning, Spirit guiding our words and changing our perspective
bracelets made by Titus and Mike
bright sun warming our sunporch to get us up and ready for Monday morning
being able to complete Titus' reading homework during the downtime at church
game date with Mike on the sunporch while everyone else was out
your mercy is new each day, you are faithful, constant, you will not grow weary or annoyed or ever give up on me 

Friday, March 25, 2016

Welcome To The New Age

Humble, inopulent hero
the game-changer
armed with supernatural power
triumphs over the undefeated champ
vanquishing his entire operation
exacting justice
liberating the captives
out of dungeon darkness and 
into a life of light

Welcome to the new age.

counting the graces
thank you Father for
squishy soft mossy green grassy meadow, and the sun setting low behind towering trees
whole mess of kids running about kicking a ball and climbing trees with rope, my boys among them
playing “hawk catches little chicks" with those kids, and I got to be the mama hen
Auntie Wang is taking excellent care of people in her family who are difficult to love, she's been transformed by Jesus
nap in the sun on the porch
expectation of a sister to love and befriend
caraway rye bread and zesty cabbage bacon stew
running in the sunshine around Back Lake, and feeling optimistic and alive with a yoga stretch

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Your Letters

You have extended so much support and kindness to us over the years. We are grateful for each and every one of you. Thank you for the different ways that you have helped us along in our sojourning in Changsha. Everything you have done is greatly appreciated.

Every now and then we arrive home to find a surprise on our stairwell door:
Letters, from you. One of the various ways you have extended support.

Your letters mean so much to us.
Because we need you.

Seven years in, and this living where we don't belong, where we haven't kin, where words and ways around us are yet confusing -- it is still lonely and difficult.

We know it takes effort and time to write and send snail mail, that's why we appreciate your hand-written notes all the more. Thank you so much. Arriving home in the middle of a tough day, opening the envelope to find words of care inside -- you've saved the day many times.

Writing letters is something that I hope to do more often this year. I quit facebook forever with the intent of using that time for more meaningful interactions with people.

Aunt Adeline, Release Time Group of Oak Heights, Grandma Bonnie, thank you for writing.
You move me to tears with your love.

Thank you for sharing your stories, being present, remembering birthdays and holidays, reminding us that we have family, expressing your care. You really cannot imagine how much your kindness has helped us along. My goal is to write back more often! I will try.

counting the graces
thank you Father for
supportive community of faithful, authentic people
hope for this life and for a restored life-world-body-existance
crying and disconsolate, you are ever "the God who sees"
Auntie Wang's help with laundry and cleaning when I feel buried under my responsibilities
the cross really does solve everything. really.
exposure of where my happiness has been built on sinking sand, so I can fix that problem
round purple eggplants for stuffed eggplant supper
Liu Jia (Lydia) is one of my very best friends, so loving, she's been a model for me to aspire to

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Math has never been sweeter

When you're seven years old,
and you have more than seven pages of math homework,

how about some fractions?


counting the graces
thank you Father for
you led us to pray rather than fight
new playground equipment at Mike's preschool
Auntie Wang incrementally gained so much resilience and wisdom as she began to know you
attempts to defame Drew's character, but he's cool
Stephen's years of hard work through medical school and complete submission to your leadership in his life's course
dark rye loaf
I trust in your word and wisdom, free from trying to decide to which of man's innumerable contradictory philosophies I should subscribe
trusting in you, not the government, for water
trusting in you for the health of our bodies
believing that through you and in your will all things -- the seemingly impossible -- are attainable

Sunday, March 13, 2016

State of The Family Address

Where you are, does spring present herself with ambivalence? In Changsha we admired cherry blossoms in our short-sleeved t-shirts. Two days later it snowed!

I thought you may appreciate a wide-scope description of our lives, so I give you our Spring 2016 State of the Family Address.

Let's begin with Drew, dauntless Drew. He performs very well at his job as the manager of a multinational sales team, bearing the weight of each high-pressure day. When he arrives home sometime between 7 and 10pm, he is tired but supportive. Drew's presence in the office has been a unique testimony of God to all with whom Drew works. He and another believer -- also a husband, father, businessman -- have been meeting to support each other in filling all those roles. Next month Drew will take a business trip to Moscow and somewhere in Saudi Arabia. Somehow this semester he is determined to complete and defend his master's thesis. He also must transition our family into the major changes coming this summer (more about that another day...). Drew only rests when he is sleeping; the man is highly efficient with his time. He follows through on everything to which he commits himself. Though he is worn out, he is constantly serving, problem-solving, and meeting others' needs with a willing heart. 

Rachel, that's me -- by the way, I just turned 30 which means the Chinese government will allow me to adopt a Chinese child, let's do it! -- I'm overseeing the boys' schooling, both English homeschooling and local Chinese public school, which is more than a full-time job. Chinese school is particularly difficult, but I appreciate learning much alongside Titus. Nurturing children, cooking, shopping and managing home affairs are my responsibilities. Besides this, I am in a discipleship triad that means a lot to me and the two other women. I am privileged to support families of our Chinese church as a co-teacher for children. I find pleasure in planning and leading worship through song for a group gathering. I feel troubled by our stress levels and wish our lives were characterized instead by wellness. My favorite thing on earth right now is hiking the wooded mountainside with my kids. 

Drew and I thank God for all we have been through and where we are now. However, we do not intend to remain here, dying a slow certain death by adrenal fatigue and sky-scraper high cortisol levels induced by corporate-world, frantic urban life. And by urban life I mean urban death

Reuben (2.5 years-old)...wonder what he's doing today? Drew and I are eager to delight in and cherish another little person who will be our very own. We wait on God to bring us together at the right time, perhaps this summer? Last week we travelled to the US Consulate in Guangzhou for fingerprinting; presently our documents are in process with US Immigration, and then they'll be sent to Beijing. 

Michael (5.5 years-old), is in Chinese kindergarten every weekday morning, and with me the rest of the day. Mike is doing very well. He's highly social. He is quite straight-forward, decisive, self-aware and articulate. He is a very kinesthetic child, craving and initiating tender affectionate touch and rough wrestling too. Recently he has been learning to write the alphabet and numbers, and read a little bit. Mike has been dealing with encopresis (bowel incontinence) for about a year, and we have made progress learning to manage it.

Titus (7.5 years old) takes Chinese language and math class at our neighborhood primary school. I am very proud of him: He is a generous friend, respectful pupil, and academically has worked extra hard to keep up with his classmates. This spring we are working much more on English and other subjects at home, and I have found it a joy to teach my amiable Titus. My big boy is sensitive. He has a gift of empathizing with others and feels loved when his feelings are heard and affirmed. He likes freedom and being self-determined, climbing trees, creating and running wild; he doesn't care for competition or imposed challenges. He seeks companionship but is equally content in his rich inner world.

If you are a person of prayer, could we kindly ask you to keep us in mind?
  • Pray that we can rest in God, lean into God when pressure seems too great
  • Let's be specific and lift up the completion of that thesis!
  • Pray that God will sustain our health under stress -- strong, sound bodies and souls
  • Pray for our kids wellness, all three

Thank you for your loving support.

counting the graces
thank you Father for
bringing the water back on
Titus tonight listing all the gifts you've given him, and it grounded me and made me cry a little
Drew keeps his heart close and open to mine even when he is troubled
your excellent plans unfolding in brother's life
Mike just saying "thank you Mommy" and Titus noticing my feelings
free blow-up balloon swords for the boys in their favorite colors, orange for Mike and blue for Titus
new co-workers for our children's class!!!
guys spent a couple hours together building a cool lego toy -- quality father and son time
hot shower and crying and feeling better
supportive, outstanding friends. I have the best friends. thank you so much.
Liu Jia (Lydia's) loving encouraging message, she continuously humbled and grounds me
Wang Zhao sang happy birthday to me on national television-- what? the love
we don't know what to do but you always give us wisdom and carry us through

Thursday, March 3, 2016


We all need real joy to fuel us through life. God fills our days with gifts: life-giving, joy-birthing, hope-sustaining gifts. This blog has always been a medium for me to name those gifts, giving thanks, growing joy, gathering strength. Could I share with you a few jubilant moments from the past month? 

May you also be inspired to pause and name God's gifts, giving thanks, growing joy, gathering strength. If you'd like to tell me about God's gifts to you, go ahead and write a comment or send me an email! Share your JoyFuel!

A soul-sister friend Emily, with her cute children, stayed with us for a week.

Movin' the bod and feeling alive.

Leslie had a birthday party with a whole bunchakids (and adults). 
Leslie is our family's BFF since 2009. We need her.

One giant step closer to Reuben:
Sent in a massive package of adoption documents to US Immigration.

Found a trove of shed shake skins on the mountain, by the lake. COOL!
Skins were 1.5 meters long. Did not find a snake.

Partied with friends cuz God is good and it's the Year of the Monkey.

Drew and I stole away for a couple days.
(But there wasn't champaign on ice, and we weren't prisoners, if you know what I mean.)

Wang Zhao and Tan Jing came over a couple times, including babysitting our boys one evening.

Hiking, hiking, daily hiking and exploring these wooded hills behind our home.

Next-door neighbors are always cooking up laughter and delectable cuisine.

The Lord is my strength and my shield.
I trust in him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.
I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.

Psalm 28:7

...the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Nehemiah 8:10

counting the graces
thank you Father for
chesed/hesed -- your lovingkindness, grace, favor, agape love, felt through my friends yesterday
Wang Zhao's message
new depths of understanding that this is your work, leaving it to you and releasing that burden
embracing and enjoying my increased role as homeschool teacher, putting my heart into the wellness and growth of these children
singing with my kids! their sweet voices!
new friends from conference
kindness of P
Wang Wei's smile walking in the door today
purple-tipped flowers in a pretty bouquet from Drew
my parents, and my in-laws, the thread of your wisdom and grace preserving our lives through generations