Recap of trip to Thailand and back...
Leisure family time! The best part!
Thai-jungle setting at our second of five hotels along this journey.
How to get around Chaing Mai: three-wheeled, open-air motorcabs.
Swimming! Titus was timid initially, but quickly became (almost too) confident in the water.
Big suppers with everybody from our sending org. Days filled with classes and meetings.
Family afternoon at the Chiang Mai zoo.
Long layovers with no place to nap. You gotta get resourceful. We set up Titus' new travel tent and he slept under this ginormous terminal in Bangkok. Can you see us in the second picture?
Buddhism permeates Thailand. Temples and shines on every corner. I learned that monk-in-training boys get to play just like other kids.
We'll be honest with you. It would not have been our first choice to attend this conference --- cuz traveling with a kiddo is rough, and we like China, and we don't like travel expenses. It was especially challenging because we took all the cheapest tickets, which made for flights at the least desirable hours. Poor Titus, he was a trooper! But there was much to be thankful for, not the least of which was happy times together as a family. It was also a treat to receive good medical and dental care. Our favorite part of conference?
Rachel: Moms group time + a class called Seeker Studies for The Asian Heart
Drew: hearing reports from all around SE and East Asia
Titus: swimming and playing with kids, looking for stray dogs
Mikey (Michael Isaac): getting an ultrasound so we know that he's a BOY!
We are so happy to be home, back in China.
Being away for awhile made us realize how much we love home. We love Chinese culture, speaking Chinese and the familiarity of home and work. Tomorrow Drew's cousin Karin is coming to visit!
- Rachel
Love all the pictures! Chang Mai looks hot and steamy as usual. and YAY for MIKEY!!! How exciting! Love you guys!