This morning I set out early for a prenatal check-up. I'm on the crowded city bus, it's 7:20am. If you've ever ridden a city bus in Changsha at rush hour you know -- there's standing room only, strangers are pressed up against you on all sides.
There's a sign that reads "Old, Weak, Disabled, Injured or Pregnant People get preferential seats." But here I am, seven months along and people still aren't 100% sure if that tall foreign lady is pregnant or just fat. None of the strong young men and women offer me their seat.
I'm standing, pretty squished, both hands gripping the overhead handrail as the bus stops and starts, jerks and speeds along. My handbag is tucked under my arm.
Then this other pregnant lady (seated), motions to me "hey, look..." The middle-aged dude next to me has half-way unzipped my bag and has his hand inside it!
In English I shouted out "Oh my goodness!" and then
I HIT him!!!
We looked each other right in the eye, and he's like, 'What?'
A second later everyone, including me and the thief pretended like nothing happened. That's how saving face is done?
I turned to the pregnant lady who tipped me off and said "Thank you. Are you pregnant
also? Are you going to the hospital for a check-up
also?" She said no, she was going to work. The young woman sitting next to her overheard this, and now having confirmed in her mind that I was in fact carrying a baby in my womb, offered me her seat.
p.s. No, nothing was stolen.