When I go to baby showers now, and the host asks us to share a bit of advice or experience with the Mom-to-be, I like to recount the first two weeks after Titus was born. It was hard. I remember feeling completely exhausted and frustrated, waking up every two hours to nurse the little guy. Sometimes at 2am he didn't want to go back to sleep. All the crying completely stressed me out. I remember feeling horribly guilty and confessed to Drew, sobbing, "Sometimes I wish we didn't have a baby...bwahh buahh buahh."
There's been different kinds of challenges over the past couple years of motherhood, but none that could not be endured with our Father's strength and Drew's steady support. Now I have a little one in utero and an almost two year-old. The almost two year-old is willful and whiny, and I am quick to anger. But I'm working on it...and the Father is working on me. When I feel like my child is being ridiculous, I remember that my Father is gracious and compassionate towards me, slow to anger and rich in love (Ps. 145). Hopefully I can be the same way towards my kiddos.
I also have this little piece of wisdom up in my kitchen:
A wise woman builds her house; but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands. (Prov. 14-something)
Getting angry to the point of sinning against my little Titus is a sure way to tear down my home with my own hands. I am trying to do only that which will build up this young family. Father help me!
There you have it. My Mother's Day reflection.
To all you Moms, especially our Jen & Louise -- we love you deeply. We appreciate all you have done and how you continue to bless us, your kids.
- Drew, Rachel, Titus & Mikey
Very wise and SO true! I'm reminded so often about how our Father must feel as I disobey over and over! What a great reminder of His love AND patience despite my disobedience!