Monday, October 3, 2011

Postal Mail Address


中南大学校本部 高家坪9607
艾思远 电话15211133187

Tips for mailing stuff:

  • letters and packages require 2-4 weeks
  • print this label and adhere to envelope or package; inclusion of the Chinese characters is essential! (if the characters are not appearing for you in the above address -- email me and I'll send you a pdf)
  • inform us if you send something so we can watch for it
  • rest assured... at our present address we've had no trouble with packages being lost

It was a considerable amount of trouble trying to figure out our postal mail address. We ended up subscribing to a local daily paper just so we could get a legitimate mail box. But the plastic thing busted, so the postman puts letters on our double stroller parked on ground floor. When packages arrive we get a phone call and must be present to sign for them.

Our first year (especially Christmas) in China, we were hoping for packages. Now we've weaned ourselves off chocolate and cheese! haha! Please don't misuderstand: we have been floored, totally grateful for packages sent. But postage is outrageous, so go ahead and use that 50 bucks for any cause greater than shipping...if you like. If you really want to send a package, ok! ok! We still hugely appreciate it and get all bouncy-happy ripping into the box.

Letters are cheap and we always relish getting a real note from a friend. Just tell us what's going on in your life.


  1. Thanks!

    That map is really neat - it doesn't point to your address but it is still neat to see all the roads and rows of buildings. One question - what is the the large open blocks of what appears to be water? Is that a reservoir?

  2. Yeah, I actually don't about this little lake to the South and slightly East of us called 后湖 Hou Hu. That name means lake but maybe it is a man-made lake or a reservoir. There's a lake quite a to the north of us and north of the mountain that I think is considered a reservoir.

    The coolest body of water in our area is the Xiang Jiang River, that cuts through the city. There's a big island in the middle too, three main bridges and two new tunnels. The island has a giant statue of Mao Zedong's head, hair blowing in the wind. hehe

  3. I just realized that I read your blog regularly and am so encouraged by your family, but I have never told you. So, thanks for posting about your struggles and hopes and general life stuff. Caleb and I think about and uplift you all.


Hi friend! We like to hear back from you. -- Rachel & Drew.