Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Quadruple Scoop

Good morning everyone!
You may have guessed that our vpn has been defunct, so no blogging for me. No worries. 

Here's the truth: it's hard to handle three boys ages 3 & under. There's a lot of whining, diapering, disciplining, feeding, washing, comforting, repairing (what they break), cleaning (enormous messes).  

It's tiring pushing the double stroller to the market, hauling all the groceries home in a backpack, and carrying the little guys and all the groceries upstairs to our 6th floor flat, then towing everyone back out to pick up Titus from school... I could go on, right, but we all know being a parent is tiring and busy! And there's no good in complaining.

However, I do not consider my life to be rough. It's challenging --for me-- only because I'm rather weak and haven't been forced to handle much difficulty in my life. A mom struggling to make ends meet, feed her babies, survive, no husband...she's got it rough. With this perspective, I remember to be exceedingly grateful. I still feel some things are difficult, but again, I know it's cuz I'm wimpy. I have it easy. I am blessed. 

What's more, I get a lot of help and encouragement from my family. Drew works his tail off at home -- at soon as he sets foot in the door he's changing diapers, sweeping, doing laundry, washing dishes, giving the kids a bath. He doesn't stop. My extended family members are always cheering for me. And then there's my big boy Titus, who rewards mom with the kindest encouragements. I got a quadruple scoop of encouragement the other day, which is the point of this whole post and what I most wanted to share with you.

On the bus, out of the blue
T: I love you Mommy. And Daddy love you too. And Jonathon and Mai-mai love you.

Walking up the stairs to home
me: I’m bleeding; I’m gonna go up and get a band-aid.
T: You need someone to go with you. I’m gonna go with you. I will help you be brave. And God’s gonna help you be brave. You gotta put the sticker on then take the paper off.  Be brave Mommy.

Tucking into bed
T: Thank you Mommy!
me: For what?
T: Getting my bed ready.

T: Mommy you did a lot of cooking. You should sleep a lot.

to encourage:
gǔ lì


  1. Oh, that's precious! Thanks for the post - will be lifting for your family as you live your very busy life!

  2. Anonymous11/15/2011

    aww those first borns and their complements!!!! I love it!!! Hang in their Rach i get you and i will lift up the tough days and just when i think i have it rough i remember i have it even better than you... I have come to the realization (Some days) that if my house is a mess that I have things to be thankful for like I have kids, they are able to make messes, I have the ability to parent them unlike many of the students i work with... just things that came to my mind... i don't have it all together trust me!!!! Love you!

  3. Are parents of little girls lining up for an arranged marriage yet?

  4. haha, hey thanks Anonymous Nichol! I guessed you! actually I think you've got a really heavy load. I don't know how you manage. really thankful for all the little boosts you give me.

    Aunt Mary Ann, hah! I have a hunch that these guys might grow up to feel more comfortable with a Chinese bride...we'll see.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think young kids are hard no matter where you are or how man you have! But, aren't compliments from our kids the best! Mae was especially hard to potty train and I remember after one really really really hard day when I honestly felt like bursting into tears she said, "You're such a good mom." Out of the blue. Melted my heart!

    And YOU'RE such a good mom. Supported by a great husband. And by a great FATHER!! Keep up the good work!!

    Thanks for the update! HUGS!

  7. Go Titus! That's so sweet!

  8. Kim, I agree with you. Being a mom is challenging no matter the circumstances.

    Thanks everybody for the comment love.


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