Monday, August 6, 2012


So I just re-wrote this here post, cuz I thought the first try was  w e i r d.

This past week M-F we taught English-camp vbs at our Chinese fellowship!
We've been wanting to help with youth at our fellowship because there is little to zero youth min, but it's kinda sensitive for foreigners to be so involved. So this was a rare chance!

We had 25 students ages 10-17 and other Chinese teachers taught the elementary age kids. Everybody had a great time.

The incredible outcome is: The leaders of our fellowship caught a vision, and invited us to continue co-teaching the older kids on Sunday mornings. Currently there are looking for a space to renovate. Movement!

Busy teaching, little chance to photograph this week's vbs. But I did capture our daily bus hour.

 counting the graces
thank you Father for
you move
gifts, used


  1. Rachael...VBS and English week? So this is the slow down you were talking about on August 6? I love you two! Thank you for all you do to spread His Kingdom work!

  2. Chris, your encouragement and love means a lot. We love you too! Thank you too!

    The English week-vbs was last week, so as of August 6th it's OVER. whew.


Hi friend! We like to hear back from you. -- Rachel & Drew.