Wednesday, May 14, 2014

'Lil Flair in the Hair for Spring

inspired by

vibrant spring blooms bursting out,
also David Bowie, clowns, snocones, Care Bears, the planet Jupiter, punk rock and My Little Pony

inspired by

David Beckham, the 1920s, stock traders, mobsters, a 60-hour work week with zero extra pay, 
and also the Starbucks barista sporting a rad undercut who steeped my green tea

counting the graces
thank you Father for
four awesome morning hours plopped down in a coffeehouse close to Drew, connecting, comforting
Ciccottis visiting these two days, always encouraging and exciting to listen to their plans and dreams
Jon's teachers' effort to promote his farewell party to the classmates
creating photo posters with Titus
si gua (some kind of delicious melon) that Wang Ayi cooks deliciously well
being sick which afforded time for reading


  1. You two are more inspiring than David Bowie, clowns, sno-cones, Care Bears, the planet Jupiter, punk rock My Little Pony, David Beckham, the 1920s, stock traders, mobsters, and a the Starbucks barista sporting a rad undercut who steeped my green tea...lookin good!

  2. The pink is fun, Rachel! I have pink in my hair, too! :)

  3. hahah! thank you Chris.
    Judy I would love to see what your pink looks like!


Hi friend! We like to hear back from you. -- Rachel & Drew.