Friday, February 26, 2016

What made this the best Chinese New Year yet?

"This year," we said, "we'll just stay home and have a nice, quiet Spring Festival by ourselves."

(Quiet including the all-night, all-sides fireworks explosions which threaten to shatter the bedroom window glass, of course.)

But when it came down to it I couldn't pass up an invitation to celebrate Chinese New Year in the countryside -- because at this point it just doesn't feel like CNY unless you're surrounded by rice paddies and tombs, eating fatty meat dishes painstakingly prepared by a stout grandmother over a wood-burning stove. Yang Cong, a neighbor and friend (she accompanied me to the US two years ago; our boys have been preschool classmates for three years) invited us to her parents' home just outside of Changsha. I knew Drew needed to stay home and chill out, so I proposed that the boys and I go to the country for a couple days while Drew seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of having our apartment all to himself! He thought it was a superb arrangement. Yang Cong and her family are so easy-going, it was easy for them to understand Drew's wish for solitude.

Titus, Michael and I reveled in what turned out to be the most pleasant Spring Festival I have yet experienced these seven years in Changsha. Why? Number one, as I said, Yang Cong's family is so relaxed, they don't make a fuss about anything. You know what I'm talking about -- when you're the guest, and your hosts drop formalities, take care of you but go about their business and allow you to go about yours. Besides that, the weather was unbeatable, they didn't have a TV or couch so we didn't watch the dreaded (by me) annual New Year's Eve program, we hiked rice fields and climbed small mountains, venerated ancestors, shared many stimulating conversations, learned how to clean chicken intestines for human consumption, ate produce of their garden, and Mike & Rui Rui both managed to step knee-deep into cow waste. I guess that was my least favorite part.

Meanwhile, Drew was back at our apartment in isolation having the time of his life drinking coffee, sleeping, reading books while drinking coffee on the sunporch, eating leftover tacos, drinking coffee, and sleeping. Yes, he can drink that much coffee and still fall instantly into a coma-like stage three deep sleep.

counting the graces
thank you Father for
waking up feeling rested this morning
fitting private space for physical training
Drew helping so willingly and so well with the boys
first-hand accounts of those whose lives have been changed, rare and the first of their people
L.F. who intentionally set up a time to dialogue with our two families about how to be well through the changes ahead, and offered her ongoing counsel
K&S, sources of wisdom gained from experience, unexpectedly here but here by your design
this is all your initiative and we're peaceful and delighted to be involved
Titus is keeping up with schoolwork and doing better everyday writing characters, I'm getting better too
a family's example of presence, life-long service commitment, reliance upon you for all needs
another family's imperative translation work, even in a lonely place you sustained them
little birthday party for several people today
date with Titus: homework at Starbucks, Ikea and the purchase of ropes, his favorite toy
sharing your inspired song with the group today

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Walk through the market at Chinese New Year's Eve

It was almost time for the greatest holiday in the Sinosphere: Spring Festival.
Come on and walk through the market with me!

counting the graces
thank you Father for
getaway with Drew -- consciously renewing our covenant, defining our direction, taking time to be best friends and lifetime lovers
bathtub and a book, just for one night
safe and comfortable car rides home for Wang Zhao and Tan Jing
Drew's soul rested
fresh starts
sweet reunion with our big boys -- the texture of their hair, missing teeth, expressions, hugs, giggles
trusted friends -- Noah, Naomi, Wang Zhao and Tan Jing to stay with our boys
facebook free and feelin fine
Liu Jia (Lydia) always says, "I love you"
folks who labor to tend the paths through the hillside woods
finding new trails in the woods

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

One day of snow

Snow covered Changsha for 24 hours. Titus and Michael were in the fluff for as many hours as possible, only pausing for lunch and then out again until after dark. Mike asked if snow meant it was Christmas time again. The next morning when it was discovered that the snow had entirely disappeared, Titus' spirit was was crushed; he sulked and shed big silent tears. Then the boys informed me of their plan to spend next winter in Minnesota.

I think I'm getting more into uploading videos.
T! T-I-T-U-S!

counting the graces
thank you Father for
giants and pilgrims late at night in the quiet and dark, piercing into the meaningful
the best Chinese New Year, with a family that doesn't make a fuss over guests and likes to hike
sand and rock hills for boys and their mother to scale
Drew had two quiet days all to himself at home
this morning, running on Easter trail through the wooded hills with Drew
feel of cool earth clay on hands
Wang Zhao and Tan Yi here this afternoon, comfortable familiar friends
Romans -- we're not slaves to sin and fear anymore, we're slaves to righteousness producing sanctification, children of God led by his indwelling Spirit
Raisin Bran and Spanish beer
cheek-to-cheek, the soft skin on my Titus' face, while reading his favorite, Geronimo Stilton

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Kids in our class

I thought you might like to meet some of the cool kids who are in our class on Sunday mornings! 

Just when I begin to dismally list all the ways our situation is lacking and limited, I then recall what a grace it is that these students are permitted to meet together to explore important matters, and what a privilege it is that we are allowed to join them. I remember that it is always in within my ability to focus on the students, to connect with, love and encourage each one in my classroom.

This fall and winter I introduced three new co-leaders into our group, to do a superior job facilitating the group, to share and thereby lighten responsibilities, and to give the leaders a place to use their abilities for good. One is now pregnant and not able to come, one has been ill and hospitalized, one moved to her hometown in northern China today. So I'm back to square one training in co-leaders. It feels a bit lonesome at the moment, but I am determined to remain committed to the task entrusted to me until it is fulfilled, focusing on making each meeting time a rich experience for the kids.

It's alright! Truly. This is the Father's work and it is really up to him what happens here.

counting the graces
thank you Father for
wisdom and peace to handle a difficult and grievous problem
generosity of folks who have made it possible for us to follow this path
in this season, lots more time for play
the best surprise for Ethan
faithful example of many friends, today thinking of Wang Ayi, Nichol, Kayla, Ellen, Heidi
partaking of superior music that I could never produce myself, when I accompany Noah
and singing at the top of our lungs!
laughing with best friends, making fun of ourselves 
snow day! snow fights, balls, slides, happy kids and suddenly a million childhood memories recalled
watching Chronicles of Narnia with Titus & Mike; they grasped the metaphors