Wednesday, May 18, 2016


We've known Mingxiao (Michelle) for several years. She is wonderful.

counting the graces
thank you Father for
puzzle time, reading time, lego time, basketball time, battleship time -- playing with my kids!
Mom's broccoli growing stronger in her hoop house
Titus' colorful thumbprint balloon flying bicycle painting
so many kind people to whom I may write thank-you notes, pausing to acknowledge human vessels of your grace
David's charge to Solomon at the end of his life
Dad's squinty smile
when Mike automatically brings his reading lesson into the kitchen as I'm beginning to cook dinner
our early morning light, together
last night's family dance break in the living room
you're helping LJ to persevere this week, without hubby home, no running water and chicken pox going around
Titus and Mike warmly welcomed to village school


  1. Hi Rachel and Drew! I sent your blog to my husband's aunt and uncle in Keller, TX, a suburb of Dallas. They might be able to help find a place for Michelle! Praying for you in Minnesota!

  2. Thanks so much for spreading the word.


Hi friend! We like to hear back from you. -- Rachel & Drew.