Thursday, August 21, 2014

Carrying this Message to young lives, our joy and privelege

This year's two-week summer camp at our local Chinese church was the best yet, since the inaugural camp three summers ago.

The two-week, 6-day a week camp for elementary and middle school students took place in July. This year I taught 4 days a week (while the boys were in basketball camp or with our Auntie Wang). My class size was delightfully small, about 15 students. Communication of the message was clear. Interaction with students was a pleasure. Partnership with other teachers and leaders enhanced the whole thing.

I was moved by the joy and privilege of carrying this precious message to these young'uns with great potential stored up inside each one.

Sampling of our students -- quirky, smart, naughty, helpful, active, sleepy, hungry, bored, earnest, thoughtful, bright, mature, immature. We had it all.

Asking that the message will be deeply rooted in each one. Do you feel the weight of this? 

counting the graces
thank you Father for
pretty green-peeled oranges to float in the ice water pitcher for guests
return of friends to Changsha, and their stories
cool of sleeping on bamboo mat
clearest, cleanest air ever which made everything appear vibrant, greener and sharper
zillions of dragonflies whirring high over the campus grass field
heart-matter talks with WZM
good, trusted neighbor friends (who kinda owe me, haha) to babysit my boys while I had dship time with L&N
phone call from Mandie

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