Thursday, February 2, 2012

Boys Grow

Two important days passed in January!

#1 (第一)
Jonathon entered hospice care on January 17th, 2011. Jon boy was in hospice care at this time last year? Now he's so alive and determined to grow.

In the first photo, Jon has an infection and two cups of pus in his cranium -- you can see that his head is enlarged. The second photo was taken today while coloring. Rock on little champion. 


#2 (第二)
I gradually weaned Mike. We were both ready. It was still sad for me though. Tear. My last baby. I blinked and he became... enormous 18 month-old who looks like he's five? 

But I'm glad my guys are growing up. It's God's design for them after all. Right now Drew and I are really getting a kick out of Mike, 18 months old.

Fearless, assertive, adventurous...this kid throws his head back and laughs from the belly. He finds humor in everything, especially when attempting escape, making a beeline down the sidewalk.

Gutsy, cunning, untamable..provoking our sanguine Titus into wrestling matches, which Mike always wins. He'll tackle innocent bystander Jon as well.

Creative, clever, relational...I got a feeling that this Mikey boy is going to be a smart guy, and genuinely likable, making friends easily.

If he doesn't kick down their lego towers and tackle them from behind.

He sleeps in a kiddie tent because he can scale any crib wall, and he prefers his Mama to be half-inside the tent with him, resting face to face, cheek on cheek.

This month Michael finally expanded from "dis" "dat" and "ma" to all kinds of attempted vocabulary. He also christened two walls and 50 sq.ft. of living room floor with milk from his full sippy cup. The milk floor coating was evenly spread by well-meaning Titus, who tried to sweep it up...

Finally, please observe another unpleasant phenomenon in our house. Flour disaster.

Paul McCartney: "And though she was born a long long time ago, your mother should know, your mother should know...." not to put the flour where the toddlers can get it. But I've got two strikes on me now, way down in the count, which means, I gotta choke up and protect the plate. Flour on the TOP shelf.


  1. Aww! They are growing so fast!

    Innocent kid messes... Today (before I was out of bed) Ava decided to get busy making her valentines. We had talked about melting crayons into a mold and had started the peeling crayons a few days ago. So when Kate comes in and reports to me in a very distressed voice "MOOOoom. Ava is making Valentines." I mumbled and rolled over. Then 20 minutes later I come out to see Ava was indeed making up BAGS OF CANDY with all our sandwich baggies and pouring in all sorts of unwrapped candy into the bags... 10 Nerds here, 4 chewy jolly Ranchers there... Oh boy. (I had forgotten about that candy stash - and I didn't think she knew about it - and it was on top of the fridge)

  2. So great to see how Jon has grown! Thank you for caring for him!

    Your Mike sounds a bit like our Job. We were just remarking tonight about how there's often no stopping him. Although there's no little sibling to get tackled (yet) so Molly the dog is usually the innocent bystander in our house. Poor pup. :)

  3. Oh Noo Jen! haha, what did you do with it? I guess you have a lot of candy to nibble on now!

    Adam, I can picture the White house 5 years from now -- a few kids wrestling together and Molly still in the mix.

  4. I love those pictures, Rachel... I want to see those beautiful trees in person.

    Also..question. You said "last baby." No more babies in the future for you?

  5. thanks mere.

    last baby from my body. surgically sure of it.

    we felt led to have just 2 biological babies. now we're more able to take in some babies/kids out there who need a family.


Hi friend! We like to hear back from you. -- Rachel & Drew.