The purpose of this blog is to show you a representative picture of our lives. We experience both joy and sorrow.
Friday night Drew met me at the door, weeping. Heartbreaking news from family on the other side of the world. We have been grieving deeply, yet with hope. If you are a person who prays, please remember us, trying to be a good support to our family.
We've been practicing the discipline of giving thanks in all circumstances. This one, too.
counting the graces
thank you Father for
- impeccable timing of a skype call from a friend, shared values, deep understanding
- beautiful fall photos of a mother and her son
- jars of homemade pickled hot peppers and ginger, gift from older sister
- this pain, you didn't create it, but you allowed us to experience it and it's teaching trust and fostering growth. thank you, we know you grieve more than we do
- husband Drew, submits to you as king in everything and this has made all the difference
- your word, we'd be reckless and winding without it. soaked in, perspective aligned and heart stops racing and we hope
- teachable moment with Titus. he was ungrateful, a struggle I know too well. a long talk about heart issues, his changed, felt need for you
- rats have been away for several weeks now
- neighborhood garbage lady's been saving up kids shoes from the trash. she surprised us with a bag full, tender and humbling kindness
- afternoon nap
- this place, home. these neighbors, living behind the mountain, our university and preschool, our little apartment
- sunshine and cold wind through purple eyelet curtains
- two brothers, ages 2 and 4, apologizing sincerely, forgiving sincerely
- repentance. sometimes I don't go that way as fast as I should, but I won't take that option for granted, even the option to repent is grace
- my flaws, Drew's flaws, so many shortcomings and often lacking for wisdom, we remember how dependent and needy we are
- new coffeeshop, green tea latte with whip
- waterproof bedsheets over the boys' mattresses
- four parents, alive, beloved
- me and Drew and a bottle of wine to take the edge off sorrow. a game, before each drink, one must propose a toast in Chinese, two lines, and it must rhyme. clink! laugher even!
- song: faithful, you are faithful, I have found nothing but good in your heart / loving, you are loving, I am in love with the way that you are / thankful, I am thankful, I had been running away on my own / and then you found me, oh how you love me / I know you'll never leave me alone
- Drew's good feeling after taking that Chinese test, several months of hard work
- Mikey says cute stuff every day, "hey buddy" "not funny" "ugga mugga, boogers"
- Jon can now answer the question, "what's your name?" he replies, "Jon!"
- sufferings that identify us with your suffering
- homemade bread and snicker doodles, generously shared at friend's home
- this confidence, not afraid of insult and difficulty with you by our side, calm, joyful to extend grace as you have extended much grace to us