Tuesday, March 5, 2013

We're shakin this town.

Tomorrow morning we're bound for Changsha! YES! Whew! Home!

Our visit has been meaningful in a number of ways. For one, the neurologists confirmed that Jonathon's brain is healthy. It bears the effects of a large abscess two years ago, but it's recovered beautifully. The physicians were delighted with his progress and predicted a bright future for Jonathon.

Doctors affirmed that Jon's swallowing difficulties are not caused by a neurological problem. The endoscopy revealed a small area of minor narrowing in the esophagus, which they thought was not significant enough to account for a swallowing problem. Jonathon will benefit from seeing a speech pathologist someday! It's not a pressing concern. He's well-nourished, growing and has more energy than a nuclear power plant.

Ooough we can't WAIT to see the rest of our family. A day of train travel tomorrow, then the grand reunion.

counting the graces
thank you Father for
sleeping with my arms around jonathon
witty, upbeat endoscopologist
ethan who contentedly listens to my expressive long-winded monologes on skype
relaxing rickshaw ride
buying train tickets was a breeze
found bagels


  1. What great news! I wish you safe travels home, and I really enjoyed the posts of the last few days.

  2. Yay! I am so happy to hear Jonathon is doing well. And I'm glad you found bagels. But not as glad as I am about Jonathon. :)

  3. the video is my favorite!!!!! :) I'm so glad you got good news!!! Hooray, JC! :D


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