Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Donut Lifehack For Summer Lessons

Drew said goodbye to Jonathon yesterday morning.
It hurt.

Still at peace.

Drew has arrived safely in Portland.
Back in Changsha, the kids and I had a fantastic Tuesday!

(Drew is earning money; we are spending it...thank you so much Drewy.)

I picked them up from school in the afternoon, packing along homeschool lessons.
 City bus #905 delivered us directly to Daylight Donuts for the boys' favorite treat.

This boy is passionate about donuts.
Passionate and focused.

Passion and focus for donuts carried over to...
Interest and contentedness for lessons. We'll take it.

Summer lessons in the quiet, air-conditioned, non-distracting (and sweet-tasting) environment of the donut shop was an epiphany for this mother-teacher! I have visions of weekly trips to motivate, reward, and bring enthusiasm to my kids' study.

Homeschool style.

Yesterday I was struck by how much I enjoy hanging out with my children.
They are fun to talk with, witty, and imaginative. I love listening to their ideas and perspectives.
My little buds!

counting the graces
thank you Father for
through the sunporch window, neighbor's baby sleeping in a bassinet on their sunporch
shopping for vegetables
"I Am A Good Eater" laminated custom book for Jonathon
kids who are good walkers
feeling unshaken and unafraid to be without Drew for a couple weeks
E getting to see so many friends and family
dawn, cool and quiet, awaking the day


  1. Anonymous6/05/2014

    Love you guys Rach! Lifting you up this week.

  2. Anonymous6/05/2014

    Covering him in prayer... love, ellen


Hi friend! We like to hear back from you. -- Rachel & Drew.