Thursday, September 6, 2012

Layers for Naked: One year learning contentment and sharing

I've been feeling

I'm restless.

Set to break away
and laugh from the belly
and be free and not care about stupid stuff.

I want to be obedient.

when it's radical and unconventional
and when nobody notices,
and I'll be satisfied, affirmed, knowing that he is pleased with me.

I want intimacy with Jesus.

Secrets and moments
nobody else knows about.

I want to be content.

I want joy.

And laughter
and reassurance
to spring up out of a light heart to bless my family and my neighbors.

ha. ha. ha.

this is it folks little thinger that came out of these desires, well, I've decided -- soli deo gloria-- not to buy ANY clothes for the next one year!  That includes any garments, undergarments, coats, socks & shoes, jewelry, accessories (belts, hats, sunglasses, scarves, bags, etc).
9-01-2013 set as the finish line.

ha. ha. HA!

I keep thinking about Luke 3:11,  "the one who has two shirts is to share with him who has none."

Have you ever been wandering along with two shirts on, and run into somebody who owned no shirt at all? I've only experienced that a couple times.

Those instances are few, aren't they? Luke 3:11 really has a broader, all-times application for sharing resources that I want to rule my spending habits. Drew says it often: "The less we spend on ourselves, the more we can spend on others."

If I resist buying clothes for this next one year, it's a savings that can be used to meet needs. It's agreeing with Luke 3:11 all the time, even if I never run into a naked person while I'm wearing layers.

I feel free, and giddy, and exhilarated with a side of trepidation, beginning a year-long exercise in contentment.
Join me?

counting the graces
thank you Father for
You're kind of crazy-wild, do You know that? 
scrumptious carrot muffins that actually did rise
phone call from neighborhood friend

Drew, unswerving lover, best encourager, never settles for less than total unity between us
enormous white-winged bug


  1. Perfect message for my day today. Yesterday, I was dealing with consumption patterns for sustainability. This makes it much clearer. I appreciate your sharing.

  2. Just got caught up on your lives! I love the new(ish) format with "Counting the graces" at the end - it helps me get a glimpse into your heart and brings depth to the posts.

    Great work Addingtons! Love all 5 of you!

  3. Yes! Me! I'm doing this with you. Even a short time away is enough to once again show up the excesses of this life for what they are - excessive. Would love to sign up for a year without purchasing any type of garment. Jamie is thrilled (-:


Hi friend! We like to hear back from you. -- Rachel & Drew.