Saturday, September 22, 2012

I make music now, apparently

Follow this link for lyrics and free download at my little site.

I've played the guitar since, like, 3rd grade. This gave me some cool-points throughout junior high and high school (Lord knows I was running a cool-points deficit, this carried me up to apx. 0).

Back in high school I had a great friend and muse named Beth Homa, who still lives today, and as awkward tenth-graders we even recorded some of our noise in guitar teacher's basement. She and I played at living room, birthday party, coffeehouse, county fair pewee stage, tourist-town street corner and community college. Aw, fun! We were such losers. (I will love you forever B.H.)

College... mediocre travelling worship band... dorm worship... yada yada... Changsha... some chances to bring the music for fellowship here... blah blah.
Not sensing encouraging vibes from little community, leading to general lack of good feeling about playing guitar and such. Guitar mostly in the case.

After all this feeling of being a dead seed rotting in the proverbial music-creativity dirt, something bloomed vibrant late this spring.

Sincere encouragement and appreciation, especially from two guy friends here, must have been the fertilizer in this analogy. They turned me.
I began to believe that, although I'm an unskilled, unlearned musician (it's kind of pathetic really, I've been working on this since 3rd grade)...despite imperfection, I can create music.
I have a song.
Or fourteen.
And this is the first one that I got a chance to record at our friend's house.
It only cost me a pot of chicken wild rice soup.
Friend added drums, electric guitar, bass, mixed it. Now that's a good pal.
(Digression: see how we might steer someone depending on our action of fostering or depreciating his/her abilities?)

Anyway, I hope you dig my music. It's so imperfect guys. The voice running out of air and quivering, the acoustic guitar missing a beat. But it's really a great creative outlet for me, and these days I am lovin connecting with my creator and his word through music.

Tomorrow afternoon Drew and I are going on a date of unprecedented length, SIX hours.
This, to commemorate our 5th wedding anniversary.

counting the graces
thank you Father for
trapped #2 rat last night (another one bites the dust!)
slow cooker for wedding anniversary gift -- hello rehydrated beans
my mom smiling on skype
first Friday night at home in several months
rainstorm, Drew gets so happy
kids' paper and glue collages


  1. Happy Anniversary, Rachel!
    And thanks for sharing your music with us.

    Quick college memory: I remember hearing someone in the woods on campus belting out a praise song once, and I think it was Amber who was with me and said, "Oh, that's Rachel!" :) Good memory.

  2. Anonymous9/23/2012

    Dig it.

  3. I think your singing is wonderful, and love the music. I listened earlier from the link on Meredith's blog. Congratulations and please keep it going!

  4. you sound better now than you did with white shoe - keep on keepin on

  5. Rachel,

    We've never met, but I'm friends with the S'villes back in college. I've been reading your blog for a long time, and enjoy it very much.

    Your music is wonderful! Beautiful voice, lovely background, nice mix. Keep the songs coming. I find myself humming your song throughout the day, which tells you that I've listened to it more than once!

  6. you all are much too generous, thank you.

    specially you Beth Homa.

    and nice to meet you Sandy.

  7. Loved this Rachel - It gave me goose bumps and made me want to praise alongside you. Thank you for sharing!


Hi friend! We like to hear back from you. -- Rachel & Drew.